School of Information Science and Technology
  • The School of Information Technology Conducts Activities Integrating Industry and Education in Artificial IntelligenceOn the afternoon of June 4, the China Mobile AI Industry-Education Integration Internship Promotion Event was successfully held at our university. Several technical experts from C...
  • The AI PI Team at Our University Has Won the Third Prize of the China Business Federation Science and Technology AwardGood news! Professor Hu Fengjun, by virtue of his project into application titled “Key Technologies and Applications of Intelligent Robot Collaborative Control for Smart Factori...
  • The School of Information Science and Technology Invited Professor Zhao Ni from The Chinese University of Hong Kong for an Academic ExchangeTo further promote the integration of medicine and information technology and expand international exchanges, on April 12, the School of Information Science ...
  • The “Sino-Belarusian Academic Exchange Conference on Intelligent Computing of Image and Medical Applications” Held by the International Science and Technology Cooperation Base for Remote Sensing Image Processing and ApplicationOn the afternoon of April 9, the “Sino-Belarusian Academic Exchange...
  • The Second Cross-Strait Academic Seminar of the Universities (Shuren - Ming Chuan) of Zhejiang and Taiwan was successfully heldOn the afternoon of March 15th, 2024, the Second Cross-Strait Academic Seminar of the Universities (Shuren - Ming Chuan) of Zhejiang and Taiwan was successfully held. The...
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