• Lou Danfeng is the principal of Mechanics of Materials, one of national top undergraduate courses in our country. Lou Danfeng won the first prize of Zhejiang the 9th Contest of Teaching Skills for Young Teachers in Higher Education, the winning prize of the 1st Contest of Teaching Skills of Teach...
  • Zhao Xin, lecturer, engaged in teaching works for 12 years, a lecturer of courses such as Architectural Design and CAD Drafter. Zhao Xin loves teaching and exploring, and works on teaching reforms. Zhao Xin has hosted two provincial teaching reform projects, and gives lectures about CAD Drafter, ...
  • ​Zhong Tailin: male, a doctor, a professor, a senior engineer of landscaping, postgraduate tutor, principal of the Landscape Architecture Specialty, a senior visiting scholar of the Landscape Architecture Specialty of Beijing Forestry University (double top, A+) of Ministry of Education, also wo...
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