School of Biology and Environmental Engineering
School of Biology and Environmental Engineering

Located on the Gongchenqiao campus of the university, the School of Biology and Environmental Engineering is a multi-disciplinary engineering schoolled by discipline construction, and has 6 undergraduate majors, i.e.environmental engineering, environmental ecological engineering, biological engineering, applied chemistry, food science and engineering, and food in quality and safety.Among them, the environmental science and engineering is the first-class discipline in Zhejiang Province, and the environmental engineering is the first-class major in this Province. The field of resources and environment is established by the university as one of the three cultivation stations for applying for master's degree.The school was approved for the first batch of "new engineering" programs in the country, and owns a multi-disciplinary co-construction of the Belarus Center of Country and Regional Studies of the Ministry of Education and the Zhejiang International Science and Technology Cooperation Base, 2 provincial and ministerial research bases, and 1 provincial demonstration base for the integration of production and education, as well as 2 provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers. Based on the strategic needs of interdisciplinary development, the construction of bases and platforms such as interdisciplinary research institutes is being accelerated. The school has an analysis and testing technology training institution recognized by the National Analysis and Testing Personnel Ability Training Committee (Zhejiang Shuren University National Training Center for Analysis Technology), which is also the Analysis and Testing Technology Training Base of Large-scale Scientific Instrument Collaboration and Sharing Platform of Zhejiang Province.

The university adheres to the strategy of strengthening the university with talents. There are 58 faculty members, including 48 full-time teachers,in which there are 26 doctors (accounting for 54%) and 15 teachers with senior titles (accounting for 31%). In recent years, theschool has also introduced and cultivated high-level talents including the first-level talents of the“151Talent Program”in Zhejiang Province, youth top-notch talents of the“Ten Thousand Talents Program” in the province, provincial young and middle-aged academic leaders, training objects for leading talents in provincial colleges and universities, and provincial outstanding teachers, and provides strong talent guarantee for the growth of students and the construction and development of the school.

The school adheres to the leadership of party building and continues to deepen the work of fostering virtue through education, has been approved for the first batch of National Party Building Work Model Branches,and the Teachers’Party Branch Secretary Studio of the University "Dual Leaders" Program of the Ministry of Education,and awarded with the Party Building Work Bench-marking Departments of Zhejiang Province,and Zhejiang University "Dual Leaders" Teacher Party Branch Secretary Studio. A long-term mechanism for educating people is formed through the whole-process "tutor system" and the construction of talent teams in classes. In the past five years, students have won 117 national and provincial university science and technology competition awards, and the proportion of students continuing to pursue advanced studies has reached more than 18%.The school also pays attention to opening up and has established friendly cooperative relations with many universities and institutions in the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries, as well as Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and other regions of China.

The school has complete teaching and research facilities, and now owns Zhejiang Environmental Engineering and Process Monitoring Experimental Teaching Center, Zhejiang Chemical Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center, Ultra-micro Research Center,and the laboratories for environment,biology, food, chemistry and other majors,equipped with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometers, gas chromatography-mass spectrometers,andinfrared spectrometers, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers, atomic absorption spectrometers and other large-scale precision experimental equipment, with a total value of more than RMB50 million.Oriented by employment and ability training, the school promotes the reform of the "3+1" advanced application-oriented talent training model that combines study with work. It is in cooperation with more than 50 excellent enterprises in the province, including Focused Photonics Inc., Zhongxin Chemical, Duopu Testing, Astra Zeneca, HUABIO, and Nade Scientific Instrument, to cooperate to establish a talent training cooperation base, so that students can enter enterprises, understand enterprises, and apply what they have learned. The employment rate of graduates remains above 97%, and the entrepreneurial rate remains among the top ten undergraduate universities in the province.

It takes ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men. All the teachers and students of the school closely focus on the general goal requirements of "advancing the quality and upgrading of theschoolwith the guidance of subject construction", earnestly implement the university’smotto of "respectingmorality and wisdomby centering on educating people", and vigorously promotethe spirit of Shuren University of"hard work, pragmatic innovation, and professional dedication" and strive to make the school become an "important window" for the full display of social forces in running schoolin the new era.