School of Humanities and Foreign Languages

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Chinese Language and Literature (Zhejiang top undergraduate specialty)

Meeting diversified demands of the society, the specialty cultivates senior applied talents working on Chinese language and characteristics utilization in culture, education, publishing and media institutions as well as enterprises and public institutions such as government agencies. The talents shall have solid Chinese language and literature foundation and favorable humanistic quality, and understand Chinese language and basic knowledge about Chinese literature, with strong aesthetic abilities, Chinese expression abilities, as well as preliminary language and literature research abilities.

Employment orientation: Students of the specialty can work as Chinese teachers in middle and primary colleges, civil servants, as well as editors, journalists and secretaries in units such as culture propaganda, publishing, broadcasting, TV, Party and government offices, industrial and mining enterprises.

Secretary Science

Aiming at meeting social demands, the specialty cultivates versatile applied comprehensive secretary talents with knowledge on administrative management, enterprise management, financial management, as well as favorable character and oral expression ability, organizing and coordinating ability, public relation and communication ability, as well as certain management and aid decision-making ability. In addition, the talents shall have solid specialized knowledge about secretary science and skillful secretary techniques, and get familiar with general procedures for operation of enterprises and public institutions.

Employment orientation: Students of the specialty can work as teachers of secretary courses in higher vocational and technical colleges and secondary vocational colleges and various types of education organizations; or they can work on secretary, administrative management, public relation planning, document management and commerce works in Party and government offices, enterprises and public institutions and various types of social organizations.

Secretary (concerning foreign affairs) (specialized specialty for professional training)

Based on Zhejing economy, the specialty cultivates modern senior applied secretary talents with high foreign language standard and strong language and character expression ability, who are familiar with management and trade knowledge and master theories and skills of secretaries. Graduates of the specialty can work on secretary or management works in all industries, especially private enterprises concerning foreign affairs, other enterprises and public institutions and government departments.

Employment orientation: Students can work on secretary or administrative management works in Party and government offices, public institutions, colleges and various types of enterprises.

Department of Journalism and Communication


The specialty cultivates senior applied talents with innovation ability and solid journalism theoretical basis and strong new collecting, writing, editing and reviewing abilities, systematic media integration knowledge and technologies, who master network technology basis and have firm political orientation, strong sense of social responsibilities, scientific thinking methods, excellent humanistic quality, wide international horizon and exquisite news transmission skills.

Employment orientation: Graduates can work on news collecting, writing, compiling, planning, network construction and network maintenance works in traditional news units and various types of news, publishing houses, enterprises, pubic institutions and business websites; or they can work on publicity work for enterprise and public institutions, media communication, culture communication and information management, or work on related works in state organs, administrative publicity departments and public relation department in enterprises.

Network and New Media

The specialty cultivates versatile senior specialized talents with basic media quality, news collecting and writing skills, new media skills, who are familiar with modern information communication technologies, and master related basic theories and skills, with information collecting and writing skills, planning and communicating with network and operation management of new media organizations. The talents can work on website planning, network construction and maintenance, information collecting, editing and communicating in government departments, press and publications, colleges, enterprises, public institutions and network media.

Employment orientation: Graduates can work on communication technology works such as interview, editing, producing, planning, video recording, making, network and new media technology development in news websites, newspapers, broadcasting stations, TV stations, media groups and enterprises and public institutions; or they can work on information collecting, communicating, planning and operation in network and new media related companies.

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

English (a key specialty of the university)

The specialty cultivates applied and versatile English professional talents with basic consciousness of providing services to state development and local construction, solid English language foundation and application ability, strong cross-cultural communication ability and high humanistic quality, innovative awareness and research ability, and can work on foreign affairs, translation, education, culture, science and technology, management, tourism, secretary concerning foreign affairs and research with English. The specialty is divided into two cultivation orientations, i.e., English Education and English Translation.

Employment orientation: Graduates of the specialty can work on translation, negotiation, secretary and public relation works in foreign affair agencies as well as solely-funded, jointly-funded and transnational companies; or they can work on tour guides and management in tourist trade concerning foreign affairs; or they can work on teaching and scientific research works in middle colleges, technical secondary colleges and English training institutions; excellent students can study for a master’s degree in English countries such as Britain or the U.S. by leaning mainly English Education, Tourism Management and Economics related specialties.

Business English

The specialty cultivates applied, versatile business English professional talents with basic awareness of providing services for state development and local construction, solid English language basic knowledge, wide international horizon, specialized international business knowledge and skills, strong cross-cultural communication abilities and high humanistic quality, who can work on business works in fields such as economy and trade, foreign affairs, management, laws, cross-border e-commerce and secretary concerning foreign affairs and can participate in international business contest and cooperation.

Employment orientation: Graduates can work on interpretation and translation works about foreign trade (cross-border e-commerce), foreign affairs, foreign economics and tourism in enterprises and public institutions; or they can work on business services, management, secretary, economic trade and public English teaching.


The specialty cultivates internationalized senior applied talents with basic awareness of providing services for state development and local construction, solid Japanese language basic knowledge, wide international horizon, who can work on international business, translation, secretary concerning foreign affairs, with all-round abilities. Based on social demands, post demands and conditions of Japanese specialty, the specialty is divided into two cultivation fields, i.e., International Trade (cross-border e-commerce) and Japanese Education.

Employment orientation: Graduates can work on foreign trade (cross-border e-commerce), translation, education and business services related to Japanese; or they can study for a master’s degree of economics or culture in universities or colleges in Japan.


The specialty cultivates internationalized senior applied talents with solid Korean language basis and practical utilization ability, profound cultural quality, all-round abilities, skillful communication ability and international horizon, who can work on management such as foreign trade, business and secretary. The specialty is divided into two cultivation fields, i.e., Economic and Trade Business and Language Culture, and related courses are set according to social requirements and post requirements.

Employment orientation: Graduates can work on foreign trade, translation, business services and secretary works related to Korean; or they can study for a master’s degree in universities or colleges in South Korea.

Applied English (specialized specialty for professional training)

The specialty cultivates English professional talents with all-round abilities, solid English language foundation and wide cultural knowledge, and can work on teaching, trade, translation, tour guide, secretary and related management works with English in departments such as education, economics and trade, culture, tourism and large and medium-sized enterprises and public institutions. In combination of current conditions and features of English specialty, the special is divided into two cultivation fields: i.e., education and business.

Employment orientation: Graduates can work on business (foreign trade and foreign companies), education (middle and primary colleges and English training companies) and tourism (guides and local guides of English-speaking countries) related to English.