School of Biology and Environmental Engineering
  • Our University Attended the Plenary Assembly of the 2024 China-Belarus University Alliance and the Founding Assembly of the Cluster Mechanism of the AllianceOn May 22nd, Li Jianliang, Dean of the School of Humanity and Foreign Languages, Lu Yin, Dean of the School of Biology and Environmental Eng...
  • Good News: Postgraduate Admission Rate Reaches 23.19%! Class of 2024 Undergraduates from the School of Biology and Environmental Engineering Hit a New Record of Further Education RateWarm congratulations to the School of Biology and Environmental Engineering for the 93 students admitted to postgr...
  • Our Students Won another Success in the Sixth Environmental and Ecological Science and Technology Innovation Competition of College Students in Zhejiang ProvinceThe final of the Sixth Environmental and Ecological Science and Technology Innovation Competition of College Students in Zhejiang Provin...
  • The Students of Our University Achieved Good Results Again in the National College Student Chemical Engineering Design Competition The 16th national final of the National College Student Chemical Engineering Design Competition was successfully concluded in East China University of Science and Tec...
  • ​ The students of the School of Biology and Environmental Engineering won 2 first prizes, 2 second prizes, and 1 third prize in the 13th Zhejiang Chemical Competition of the Undergraduates, and achieved a new record in the Competition. Zhejiang Chemical Competition of the Undergraduates is a pro...
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