School of Biology and Environmental Engineering
Good News: Postgraduate Admission Rate Reaches 23.19%! Class of 2024 Undergraduates from the School of Biology and Environmental Engineering Hit a New Record of Further Education Rate
Thu, Apr 18 2024 10:52 times

Good News: Postgraduate Admission Rate Reaches 23.19%! Class of 2024 Undergraduates from the School of Biology and Environmental Engineering Hit a New Record of Further Education Rate

Warm congratulations to the School of Biology and Environmental Engineering for the 93 students admitted to postgraduate programs or overseas universities in 2024.

The School of Biology and Environmental Engineering of our university has an impressive 56.36% postgraduate admission rate. Fifteen students have been admitted to universities participating in the “985” and “211” initiatives as well as “Double First-Class” universities. Additionally, 6 students have received offers from renowned international universities such as the University of Sydney, the University of New South Wales, the University of Manchester, and Monash University. The postgraduate admission rate exceeds 29%.