President Li Lu Met with Lei Ngan-Lin, Vice Rector of Macao Polytechnic University
Mon, May 20 2024 07:49 times

President Li Lu Met with Lei Ngan-Lin, Vice Rector of Macao Polytechnic University

On the afternoon of May 5th, Lei Ngan-Lin, Vice Rector of Macao Polytechnic University, Zhang Yunfeng, Associate Professor and Acting Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Prof. Joaquim Manuel Costa Ramos de Carvalho, Director of the Doctoral Program of Portuguese of this Faculty, and Ms. Chen Yuling, Technician of the Public Relations Office, visited to our university. President Li Lu and some other leaders cordially met with Vice Rector Lei Ngan-Lin and other visitors.

At the meeting, President Li Lu and Vice Rector Lei Ngan-Lin introduced to each other the history and development orientation of their respective universities, and jointly reviewed the exchanges and achievements in the past two years. President Li Lu, after listening to Vice Rector Lei Ngan-Lin’s introduction of the education achievements of Macao Polytechnic University and its research achievements of intelligent health industry promoted by artificial intelligence, pointed out that, through the combination of the new medical construction of our university, both universities could strengthen cooperation in the One Health, improve the interdisciplinary research of AI and health care, and the talent training and social service functions of “medical treatment, health care, nursing and management”. At the same time, they discussed the cooperation between both universities in the joint establishment of the Zhejiang-Asian National Medical and Nursing Professionals Training Alliance and the academic exchange between teachers and students.

Vice Rector Lei Ngan-Lin expressed special thanks to President Li Lu for his warm reception, and welcomed our university to organize teachers and students to visit Macao Polytechnic University for cooperation and exchange, especially for participating in the application of the “Exchange Program between Teachers and Students of the Primary and Middle Schools and Universities in Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland (Ten Thousand People Program)”, and organizing students to participate in the “One Country, Two Systems” study camp and other activities.

At the meeting, President Li Lu and Vice Rector Lei Ngan-Lin signed a cooperation agreement on behalf of these two universities, and reached a consensus on the exchange of teaching and research staff and students, exchange and cooperation programs, joint academic, scientific research, talent training programs, joint organization of academic seminars and other cooperation and exchange activities in the field of teaching and research.