Mr. Andrey Andreev, Consul General of the Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Shanghai, Visited Our University
Thu, May 30 2024 07:43 times

Mr. Andrey Andreev, Consul General of the Consulate General of the Republic of Belarus in Shanghai, Visited Our University

On May 15th, Mr. Andrey Andreev, Consul General of Belarus in Shanghai, Mrs. Valeriya Andreeva, the wife of the Consul General, and Vice Consul Olga Krivets visited our university. They attended the opening ceremony of “the 75th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Russia and the Chinese-Russian Culture Year -- The Exhibition on the Historical Stamp Collection of Russia”, which was held on the Gongchenqiao Campus in Hangzhou to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of our university.

Secretary Zhang Qing expressed a warm welcome to Consul General Andrey Andreev and other visitors, introduced the construction and development plan of the university, and reviewed the friendly exchanges and the cooperation achievements between our university and Belarus for more than ten years. Zhang Qing also expressed his gratitude to the Consul General for his concern and strong support for the exchanges between the university and Belarus, and hoped that China and Belarus would continue to deepen the exchange and cooperation in the fields of education, science and technology, and humanities.

Consul General Andrey Andreev thanked our university for the invitation. He pointed out that China and Belarus enjoyed friendly relations and close high-level contacts. The extensive cooperation between our university and Belarus in the fields of education, talent, science and technology was a concrete manifestation of the implementation of the strategic cooperation between the two countries. He said that the Consulate General of Belarus in Shanghai would actively promote the exchange and cooperation between our university and Belarus, and put forward ideas and suggestions on our university’s participation in the construction of China-Belarus Industrial Park.