The International Conference for the 35th Anniversary of the Founding of Zhejiang Shuren University: Dynamics and Trends of International Higher Education Development
Mon, Nov 11 2019 13:25 times

On November 8, 2019, Zhejiang Shuren University held a special academicactivityfor the 35th anniversary of thefoundingof theuniversity,the themeof whichwas the Dynamics and Trends of International Higher Education Development, aiming to provide an exchange platform for international cooperation in higher education. Therewerenearly 20presidents, experts and scholars from various friendly universities in Belarus, Japan, and South Koreaattending the activity.Five principals and experts, including Chen Xinmin, Vice President of Zhejiang Shuren University, Satoshi Kai, President of Nakamura Gakuen University in Japan, and Aleh Ivashkevich, First Vice President of Belarusian State University, and Anatoly Osipov, Vice President of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, gave keynote speeches.

Listof Attendees


Prof. AlehIvashkevich, Academician, First Vice Rector,BelarusianStateUniversity

Prof. Satoshi Kai,PresidentofNakamura Gakuen University

Dr. Xu Tao, Associate Professor,Nakamura Gakuen University

Prof.Anatoly Osipov, Vice Rector ofBelarusian State University of Informaticsand Radioelectronics (BSUIR)

Prof. Chang Huanan, Assistant Vice President of Taiwan Chaoyang University of Technology

Prof.Sergey Ablameyko,Academician, Belarusian State University

Prof.Viachaslau Liavonau,DeputyDirectorofConfuciusInstitute,Belarusian State University

Dr.Viachaslau Zhylko, Associate Professor, Dean of Faculty of Environmental Monitoring, Belarusian State University

Prof.Tatsiana Savitskaya,DeputyDean of Faculty of Chemistry, Belarusian State University

Prof.Dzmitry Hrynshpan,HeadofLaboratory for Cellulose Solutions and Products of Their Treatment,Research Institute

for Physical and Chemical Problems, Belarusian State University

Prof.Aliaksandr Nedzvedz, Head of Department of Computer Technologies and Systems, Faculty of AppliedMathematics

and Informatics, Belarusian State University

Dr.Volha Nedzvedz, Associate Professor,Belarusian StateMedicalUniversity

Prof.Nina Agabekova, Head of Department of Statistics, Faculty of Digital Economy,Belarusian State Economic


Prof.Chun Cheol Woong, ChungbukNational University

Participants of Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof. Xu Xuqing , President of Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof. Zhang Qing, Secretary of Party Committee, Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof. Chen Xinmin, Vice President of Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof.Ye Shiping, Vice President of Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof.Chen Jun,Vice President of Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof. Feng Shujuan,Assistant of President,Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof.Song Bin,Director of President Office of Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof. Jin Jinbiao,Director ofOffice of ScientificResearch,Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof. Zhou Chaocheng, Head of HigherEducationDisciplineof Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof. Hu Jianwei, Director of Office of International Affairs, Zhejiang Shuren University, ,

Prof. Wan Guowei, Deputy Director of Office of International Affairs, Zhejiang Shuren University

Prof. Zhang Denghui , Deputy Dean of School of Information Science and Technology

Dr.Ye Fangfangfrom School of Information Science and Technology

Dr. Jin Jianchang, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of School of Biology and Environmental Engineering

Prof.Sun Nabo& Prof.Zhang Deyongfrom School of Biology and Environmental Engineering

Prof.Lou Jie, Deputy Dean of School of Humanity and Foreign Languages

Dr.Wang Yanqing& Dr.Deng Chenglinfrom School of Humanity and Foreign Languages

Prof.Zhang Yazhen, Party Secretary, Deputy Dean of School of Modern Service

Dr.Wu Zhiminfrom School of Modern Service


Zhang Xiuwang Ma Shunlin Li Zhong Liu Bin

Wang Xiaoyu Yin Xiaomin Gao FeiQiu Kunshu

Mao Hongxia Tao Fangming Meng YingJin Xu

Ren Jiaping Li Bingyan