Good News in the New Year: Students of School of Modern Service Industry was awarded with “2018 Reluex Scholarship”
Tue, Jan 8 2019 18:15 times

The final of Reluex Exhibition Elite Scholarship of 2018 was held in Urban Institute of Zhejiang University recently. The scholarship was jointly launched by Reluex Group and Hangzhou Yashan Conference and Exhibition Co., Ltd. with the support of Special Committee for Education of Hangzhou Convention and Exhibition Association. The scholarship aimed to give rewards to excellent graduates of exhibition specialty of universities with Exhibition Economics and Management Specialty and academies with Exhibition Planning and Management Specialty in Hangzhou.

Ren Wenli and Hu Jingjing of Exhibition Economics and Management Specialty of 2015 of our school were recognized by the judging panel with excellent study performance, abundant practice experience and excellent innovation and entrepreneurial ability, and won Reluex Exhibition Elite Scholarship and Reluex Exhibition Excellent Scholarship.

Exhibition Elite Scholarship launched by Reluex Group was the first platform-type special scholarship in our country, which would be held every year. It would assist in motivating enthusiasm of students of Exhibition Specialty in Hangzhou and motivate the innovation vitality of the future strength of the Exhibition Industry.