• Sino-English Interaction, Let the World Hear “Shuren” — School of Jia Yang Celebrates the University’s 40th AnniversaryOn the afternoon of June 4 at 3 PM, at the Yuehu Shiguang Roadshow Space on Yang Xunqiao Campus, students and teachers from the Elite Club English Corner of the School of Jia...
  • Our Students Won Prizes in the Fourteenth Physics Experiment and Innovation Competition for College Students in Zhejiang ProvinceThe Fourteenth Physics Experiment and Innovation Competition for College Students in Zhejiang Province in 2023 has come to an end.The team from our university finally w...
  • The discipline construction of new engineering, new medicine, new agriculture and new liberal arts is closely linked to the optimization of subjects and majors, the improvement of innovation capacity, the integration of industry, education, research and application, and the training of talents in...
  • In recent years, students of ZJSRU have been enthusiastic about obtaining admission into graduate schools. With the support of the schools and ZJSRU, the 2021 graduate English examination class started on schedule under the organisation of School of Jia Yang. In order to assist students in receiv...
  • Recently, The Ministry of Education officially announced the evaluation results of the 2021 Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project. Dr. Cai Chen - a teacher in ZJSRU English Teaching and Research Department - was awarded with a Youth Fund Project.A total of 31,488 general research projec...
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