• The Grand Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Graduation Design Works Exhibition of the School of Arts was held On the afternoon of April 18, the 2024 Graduation Design Works Exhibition of the School of Arts at Zhejiang Shuren University opened grandly at the Shaoxing Cultural Center. This exhibition wi...
  • The School of Arts hosts a lecture on “Live Auctions in the Art Market Trade”At 1:40 PM on April 16, 2024, Xiao Jieni, a National Registered Auctioneer and the operations executive of the Calligraphy and Painting Department’s online platform at Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society Auction Co., Ltd....
  • “Artistic” Creation Inspires Beauty;The Fourth Lecture of Rural “Art” Education Series: “Spring Mountains on a Fan” On the morning of March 30, our School of Arts conducted the fourth lecture of the rural “art” education series, with the theme of Qingming, in Shuli Village as scheduled. ...
  • Creating Beauty in Art Program|The Third Lesson of the Art Program of Rural Aesthetic Education-- Spring EquinoxOn the afternoon of March 23rd, the third lesson of the art program of rural aesthetic education began as scheduled, and the children came to the classroom early to wait for the beginn...
  • Appreciation of the porcelains from the Official Kilns of the Southern Song Dynasty—The School of Art Held the “Stone from Other Mountains” Academic Lecture Series of Experts and Master TeachersAt 13:40 on March 12th, the twelfth lecture of the “Stone from Other Mountains” Academic Lecture S...
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