The School of Arts hosts a lecture on “Live Auctions in the Art Market Trade”
Thu, Apr 25 2024 11:04 times

The School of Arts hosts a lecture on Live Auctions in the Art Market Trade

At 1:40 PM on April 16, 2024, Xiao Jieni, a National Registered Auctioneer and the operations executive of the Calligraphy and Painting Department’s online platform at Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society Auction Co., Ltd., conducted a lecture for fellow students on the theme of “Art Market Trading and Auction Practices”.

Teacher Xiao first introduced the domestic art auction industry. Next, Teacher Xiao elaborated on the practical operation of auctions and explained through case studies. After the presentation, Teacher Xiao also engaged in a Q&A session with the students present.

At last, Teacher Xiao conducted an on-site demonstration of an art auction. With passion, Teacher Xiao called out bids from the platform, while the students and faculty present eagerly competed, bidding against each other. As the gavel fell, the room erupted into enthusiastic applause. This live bidding process allowed the students to experience the unique charm of an art auction.