School of Information Science and Technology
The First Cross-Strait Academic Seminar between the Universities in Taiwan and Zhejiang (Shuren- Ming Chuan) was Held Successfully
Sat, Apr 1 2023 14:07 times

On the afternoon of March 17, 2023, the first Cross-Strait Academic Seminar between the Universities in Taiwan and Zhejiang (Shuren - Ming Chuan) was successfully held. This seminar was co-sponsored by Ming Chuan University in Taiwan and our university. Wang Jinlong, Vice President for Administrative Affairs of Ming Chuan University, Jiang Shuying, Dean of the School of Information Technology of Ming Chuan University, Ye Shiping, Vice President of our university, Wang Zhangquan, Secretary of Party Committee and Executive Deputy Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology, Zhang Denghui, Deputy Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology, and some teachers and students from both universities attended the seminar. This seminar was presided over by our Deputy Dean Zhang Denghui and Professor Jia Conglin of Ming Chuan University.

Wang Jinlong introduced the basic situation of Ming Chuan University, and Jiang Shuying introduced the theme of this academic communication activity. Vice President Ye Shiping reviewed the history of inter-university cooperation between Shuren University and Ming Chuan University and emphatically introduced the achievements of our university in the construction of key disciplines and first-class majors in recent years, hoping that teachers and students from both universities would take this seminar as an opportunity to strengthen inter-university academic communication. Wang Zhangquan introduced the basic situation of the School of Information Science and Technology and the academic research direction of the Medicine, Engineering and Information Research Institute.



The academic seminar was divided into two sessions. Seven students, including Ma Kangxin, a graduate student of the cooperative program of our university, exchanged the papers in the fields of artificial intelligence and block chain, and five students, including Li Huayao of Ming Chuan University, exchanged research achievements in the fields of virtual reality, 5G antenna, firefighting and disaster relief, and gesture recognition. During the seminar, the teachers and students of these two universities actively communicated with each other on the research contents of their interest, which enhanced friendship and laid a good foundation for subsequent cooperation.


Jiang Shuying gave full recognition to this seminar and hoped that both universities could cooperate with each other more closely in future and jointly guide students in order to make more research achievements. Wang Zhangquan said that through the seminar, both universities had a deeper understanding of each other's research fields, and laid a good foundation for further cooperation and exchanges. He hoped that both universities could enhance scientific and technological cooperation in future, work together to apply for high-level scientific research programs, and cooperate on training scientific and technological talents.