​The 16thZhejiang “Hongxiang Cup” College Student Structural Design Contest Was Held in Our University
Fri, May 5 2017 18:39 times


The Zhejiang zone contest of the 16thZhejiang “Hongxiang Cup”College Student Structural Design Contest was held in our university during May 5-7, 2017. The contest was sponsored by Zhejiang Science and Technology Contest Committee for College Students, and was undertaken by our institute and Zhejiang University.


The opening ceremony of the contest was held in Shuren Hall in the afternoon of May 5. Professor Ye Shiping, vice president of the university, Associated Professor Mao Yiping, deputy secretary-general of National College Student Structural Design Contest and secretary-general of Zhejiang College Student Structural Design Contest, made speeches, respectively. Wu Ziyun, an inspector of Zhejiang Contest of Disciplines of Undergraduates and vice-dean of School of Continuing Educationof Zhejiang Institute of Mechatronic Technology, and Professor KeWude, deputy director general of Department of International Affairs of Taiwan Zhengxiu University of Science and Technology, were present at the ceremony. The ceremony was held by Professor Yao Jian, dean of the Schoolof Urban Construction.

“Structural Design and Model Making of Unequal Span Two-span Bridges” was taken as the topic of the contest, and all teams competed inlinks of model making, model submission, weighing and photographing, as well as field model loading, and experts were invited to discuss on the performance and assess the awards. The contest was held for three days, and totally 100 teams from 48 universities and colleges participated in the contest. Four teams from three universities and colleges from Taiwan district and Hong Kong Special Administration Region were also invited to the contest.

The closing ceremony and the award-giving meeting were conducted in Shuren Hall in the afternoon of May 7. The “Niqianjun” team from Zhejiang University of Technology was awarded with the special prize, 8 first prizes, 15 second prizes, 23 third prizes, 1 best making prize and 1 best creative prize of the undergraduate group. The “Zouzheqiao” team from Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College was awarded with the special prize, 3 first prizes, 7 second prizes, 11 third prizes, 1 best making prize and 1 best creative prize. The contest was closed successfully. The “City of Sky” team and the “Luojia” team of our university were awarded with the first prize in the contest, and the “Tongji” team won the third prize. In addition, the “City of Sky” team also won the best making prize.

Invited by the committee,Collection of Works of Zhejiang the 16thCollege Student Structural Design Contest, the first contest work collection of Zhejiang, was edited and published after the contest.

Opening ceremony

Vice President Ye Shipingmadea speech

Photos of Participating Teams

Attached with List of Awards