Good News! Our University was awarded as the Advanced Organization of Network Information Construction of the Universities in Zhejiang Province in 2023
Fri, Mar 1 2024 08:52 times

Good News! Our University was awarded as the Advanced Organization of Network Information Construction of the Universities in Zhejiang Province in 2023

Recently, the results of the awards related to network information construction of the universities in Zhejiang Province in 2023 were officially announced. Our university won the three collective honors of the “Advanced Organization of Network Security”, the “Advanced Organization of Digital Governance” and the “Advanced Organization of Campus New Infrastructure” in network information construction of the universities in Zhejiang Province. Our teacher Zhang Tianrong was also awarded the “Advanced Individual in Network information Construction of the Universities in Zhejiang”.

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In 2023, Shuren University closely focused on the requirements of the party committee and the government of Zhejiang Province for digital reform, and the requirements of the Ministry of Education's strategic action on education digitization, to build a new platform of “3+N+1” campus digitization, and to create a new ecosystem of digitized and intelligent campuses. Our university implements the smart campus infrastructure through the “all-optical network”, improves the precise services of smart campus through “data governance”, builds a digital and intelligent decision-making campus through the “Smart Internet of Things”, and strengthen the ability of guaranteeing security operation and maintenance through the “one-stop operation and maintenance”.

Under the goal of creating a “famous university run by non-government sectors”, the Department of Information Technology Construction strives to apply campus network information technology to every corner of Shuren University to make digitization an important part of the daily work, study and life of all members of Shuren University, to provide teachers and students with high-quality information technology services, and to make good preparations for training high-quality and innovative talents and high-level management and service teams.