Dr. Wasi Ul Hassan Shah from the School of Management of Our University Published 4 Academic Papers in Top Journals (Q1)
Fri, Mar 1 2024 08:49 times

Dr. Wasi Ul Hassan Shah from the School of Management of Our University Published 4 Academic Papers in Top Journals (Q1)

Mr. Wasi Ul Hassan Shah, a Doctor of Management Science and Engineering graduated from the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, joined our university in May 2021 as a lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, where his research covers performance appraisal, efficiency, productivity estimation, banking efficiency, financial development, and environmental efficiency.

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Dr. Shah has published six articles as the first author in the top journals (Q1). In 2023, he published four papers as the first author in the journals (Q1), including Geoscience Frontiers (Impact Factor 8.9), Energy Journal (Impact Factor 9), Gondwana Research (Impact Factor 6.1), Agricultural Water Management (Impact Factor 6.7), and Science of The Total Environment (impact factor 9.8).

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In addition, Dr. Shah actively cooperates with renowned professors in China and internationally to conduct high-quality research and publish in top-ranked and important journals. He is committed to guiding his students to participate in research activities, and two of his undergraduate students, Lu Yuting and Shen Jintao, have co-authored academic papers in SCI journals. He is also actively assisting more than 15 faculty members of our university in their research, and has led his team to publish over 20 papers in SCI and SSCI journals.