Our Students Won Good Results in the Multimedia Design Competition of College Students in Zhejiang Province
Fri, Mar 1 2024 08:17 times

Our Students Won Good Results in the Multimedia Design Competition of College Students in Zhejiang Province

Recently, our students won good results in the 22nd Multimedia Design Competition of College Students in Zhejiang Province, winning 2 first prizes, 3 second prizes, and 3 third prizes.

The themes of this year’s competition were “Artificial Intelligence” and “Appreciating the Beautiful Countryside in Village Houses with Zhejiang Characteristics”, and the School of Information Science and Technology, the School of Art and the All-media Center of our university participated in the competition, submitting a total of 17 pieces of entries. The VR/AR work “Daishan Plain-colored Country Inns” co-produced by the students from the School of Information Science and Technology and the School of Art won the first prize in the VR/AR group. The work “the Wizard of Oz” was awarded the first prize in the group of mobile applications. Under the guidance of Zeng Xiaojiang, the teacher from the All-media Center, the works jointly produced by students from the School of Information Science and Technology and the School of Humanity and Foreign Languages won the second prize in the micro film group. The School of Art also won one second prize and two third prizes in the poster group.

Our university achieved good results in the competition, and we should thank Mr. Gu Hanjie, the teacher in charge of the multimedia competition, for his careful organization of the interdisciplinary collaboration of our entries. The cooperation of the students from the School of Information Science and Technology, the School of Art, and the School of Humanity and Foreign Languages generated a good chemical reaction. The professional interdisciplinary guidance of the teachers ensured the creativity and technological development quality of the entries, which truly shown the advantages of cross-disciplinary integration.

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