The Inaugural Meeting and 2023 Academic Exchange Meeting of the Social Medicine Committee of Zhejiang Preventive Medicine Association were Held Successfully
Thu, Feb 8 2024 14:46 times

The Inaugural Meeting and 2023 Academic Exchange Meeting of the Social Medicine Committee of Zhejiang Preventive Medicine Association were Held Successfully

On December 18, 2023, the Inaugural Meeting and 2023 Academic Exchange Meeting of the Social Medicine Committee of Zhejiang Preventive Medicine Association were held in our university. More than 80 experts and scholars, teachers and postgraduates attended the meeting, including President Xia Shichang and Secretary General Huang Xuemin of Zhejiang Preventive Medicine Association, and Prof. Li Lu, President of our university.

The Inaugural Meeting of the Social Medicine Committee was presided over by Secretary General Huang Xuemin, and 41 members were elected to form the first Social Medicine Committee. Prof. Li Lu was appointed as the Honorary Chairman of the Committee, Associate Prof. Jiang Minmin of our university was elected as the Vice Chairman, and our Associate Prof. Kong Jingxia was elected as one of the members and the Secretary of the Committee.

The 2023 Academic Exchange Meeting of Social Medicine was co-chaired by Prof. Li Lu and Prof. Wang Hongmei. The theme of the conference was “Common Prosperity, Health for all”. Prof. Lu Zuxun from Huazhong University of Science and Technology made a keynote report, to initiate in-depth academic discussions and interactive exchanges on the frontiers and hot topics of social medicine, such as the integration of health care and prevention, active health, aging intervention, and the collaboration between health care and society.

The attendees said that this meeting not only built a new platform for academic exchange and collision of ideas for social medicine practitioner in the province, but also opened up a new path for social medicine disciplines to actively contribute to the goal of “common prosperity and provincial-level modernization being first”.

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