The Provincial Culture Popularization Base for Home Economics of Our University was Selected as the Member of the “Zhejiang Alliance of Excellent Traditional Culture Popularization Base”
Thu, Feb 22 2024 14:45 times

The Provincial Culture Popularization Base for Home Economics of Our University was Selected as the Member of the “Zhejiang Alliance of Excellent Traditional Culture Popularization Base”

The “Zhejiang Alliance of Excellent Traditional Culture Popularization Base” is established by Zhejiang Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences Circles to spread the outstanding traditional Chinese culture, improve the humanistic literacy of the public, and promote the all-round development of people by means of four popularization matrices.

Recently, Zhejiang Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences Circles issued the notification that the provincial culture popularization base for home economics of our university was selected as the member of the “Zhejiang Alliance of Excellent Traditional Culture Popularization Base”.

The Provincial Home Economics and Culture Popularization Base of our university has long been popularizing the knowledge of family life on the aspects of family first aid, new materials and cleaning and maintenance, nutrition and cooking, health care and nursing, maternal and infant health service, smart home, smart elderly care service, tea drinking and healthy life, advocating scientific life methods and spreading the culture of home economics and elderly care to the enterprises, schools and the public of the province. In 2012, the base was awarded the title of “Advanced Organization of Social Science Popularization in Zhejiang Province” by Zhejiang Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences Circles, and in October 2018, it was named as the “Demonstration Base of Social Science Popularization in Zhejiang Province” by Zhejiang Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences Circles.

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