Dr. Wu Peixuan of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Led a Team to Visit Our University
Mon, Feb 26 2024 14:43 times

Dr. Wu Peixuan of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Led a Team to Visit Our University

At noon on February 26, Dr. Wu Peixuan, Associate Professor of the School of Chemical and Energy Engineering of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and Dr. Chen Weidi, Executive Director of the Asian Program, visited our university and were cordially met by President Li Lu. The leaders of our university, including Vice President Ye Shiping, Chen Zhi, Executive Deputy Director of the Academic Committee, Wang Yun, Director of the Office of International Exchange, Lu Yin, Dean of the School of Biology and Environmental Engineering, Liu Weiping, Dean of the Interdisciplinary Research Academy, and Feng Wei, Deputy Secretary of the College of International Education, participated in the meeting and exchange activities.

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President Li Lu extended a warm welcome to Dr. Wu Peixuan and other visitors, introduced the development history, educational characteristics, and future vision of the university, and learned that both parties had already carried out preliminary exchanges on academic and research cooperation and the establishment of joint research center through online meetings. He hoped that through Dr. Wu Peixuan’s visit, both universities could deepen mutual understanding, communicate with each other extensively in various fields, and actively promote the establishment of joint research center and the development of the international cooperation programs of the “Belt and Road”. Ye Shiping exchanged views on scientific research cooperation between both universities, application for international cooperation projects, and comparison of management mechanisms of these two universities.

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Dr. Wu Peixuan firstly expressed her heartfelt thanks to President Li Lu for taking time out of his busy schedule to meet her. She said that, as being entrusted by the president of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, she visited the leaders of our university, hoping to further deepen understanding with our university based on previous exchanges, establish friendly cooperative relations, and build a joint experimental center with the Interdisciplinary Research Academy of our university to jointly educate master and doctoral students.

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