School of Information Science and Technology
The First Board Meeting of the Smart Health Care Industry School Held in Our University
Mon, Jul 31 2023 08:33 times


On the afternoon of June 20, the first board meeting of the Smart Health Care Industry School, a key program supported by Zhejiang Province, was held successfully in the conference room on the sixth floor of the Administration Building on the Gongchenqiao Campus. The meeting was hosted by the School of Information Science and Technology. President Li Lu, Vice President Chen Xinmin, Dean Wang Wanliang of the School of Information Science and Technology, and the members of the Board of Governors attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Wang Zhangquan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology.

President Li Lu first delivered a speech on behalf of the university, expressing warm congratulations on the establishment of the Board of Governors, and heartfelt thanks to the friends in the industries who had given strong support to the university for a long time. In recent years, our university has focused on the integration of medicine, engineering and information technology, and has achieved certain results by designing talent training in advance, scientific and technological innovation and other initiatives in response to the problems encountered in the development of the health care and elderly care industry. The purpose of holding this meeting is to further gather the wisdom and resources of the industry, optimize the system and mechanism of the industry school, carry out in-depth cooperation, and work together to develop the Smart Health Care Industry School into a talent training demonstration base and an innovation hub of the integration of industry and education in the field of health care and elderly care, in order to contribute to the high-quality development of the health and elderly care industry and the construction of the demonstration area for the common prosperity in Zhejiang Province.

And then, Vice President Chen Xinmin read out the list of the members of the Board of Governors, and President Li Lu presented certificates to the council members and took a group photo. Zhang Denghui, Vice Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology, introduced the development plan of the Industry School and the charter of the Board of Governors at the meeting. During the discussions subsequently, the representatives of the board said that the positioning and development direction of the Smart Health Care Industry School was consistent with that of enterprises in the field of health care, and indicated that they would work with the university to deepen the integration of industry and education in student training, scientific and technological cooperation, and industrial chain services, actively respond to the decisions of the Board of Governors, earnestly fulfill the obligations of the members of the Board of Governors, and contribute to the development of this Industry School.