The Seminar on the Teaching Innovation of College Mathematics and the Curriculum Construction of Public Mathematics of Zhejiang Shuren University was Successfully Held
Sat, Jul 1 2023 10:33 times

The discipline construction of new engineering, new medicine, new agriculture and new liberal arts is closely linked to the optimization of subjects and majors, the improvement of innovation capacity, the integration of industry, education, research and application, and the training of talents in the new times. In order to discuss the reform and innovation of teaching contents, methods and modes of college mathematics courses in the context of “new engineering, new medicine, new agriculture and new liberal arts”, the Seminar on the Teaching Innovation of College Mathematics in the Context of “New Engineering, New Medicine, New Agriculture and New Liberal Arts” and the Curriculum Construction of Public Mathematics of Zhejiang Shuren University was successfully held in Yangxunqiao Campus, in order to further promote the teaching reform of college mathematics and continuously improve the quality of teaching and talent training.

Ten experts from Zhejiang University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Beihang University, Southeast University, Shanghai University, Hefei University of Technology, Hubei Normal University and Zhejiang Shuren University were invited to make keynote presentations. More than 100 scholars and teachers from colleges and universities inside and outside the province, including Zhejiang Normal University, Qufu Normal University, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Shaoxing University, Zhejiang Yuexiu University, Wenzhou Business College, Ningbo City College of Vocational Technology, attended the seminar.

At the opening ceremony, Prof. Chen Xinmin, our Vice President, delivered a speech on behalf of our university. Prof. Chen first expressed his gratitude to all the experts and scholars attending the meeting and expressed the university's desire for the high-quality development of mathematics teaching. Dean Dong Yifen of the School of Jia Yang introduced the development history and achievements of our university to the experts, hoping that the experts could analyze and give advice on the teaching reform and curriculum construction of the school, and that the mathematics course of this school could be approved as national first-class curriculum under the guidance of the experts.

A total of 10 experts and scholars shared their keynote presentations from different perspectives.

Prof. Zhu Shixin of Hefei University of Technology, a famous teacher of the first National “Special Support Program for High-Level Talents” and a member of the Steering Committee of Mathematics Teaching in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, made a wonderful speech entitled Exploration and Practice of First-class Curriculum Construction.

Professor Yang Yichuan of Beihang University, a member of the Steering Committee of Mathematics Teaching in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, and the leader in charge of National Teaching Achievement Award and National First-Class Curriculum, shared his views on the topic of Thoughts on the Direction of Contemporary Mathematics Reform in Universities.

The theme shared by Professor Chen Jianlong from Southeast University, a member of the Steering Committee of Mathematics Teaching in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education, was Teaching Innovation Practice of First-class Courses.

Professor Wang Qingwen of Shanghai University, Chairman of the Committee of Teaching Mathematics to Majors of China Association of Higher Education, focused on "making linear algebra more suitable for teaching and learning", and shared wonderful views on the theme of Education, Teaching and Development of First-class Curriculum and Textbooks.

Professor Qiao Zhonghua of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Vice Chairman of the Computational Mathematics Branch of the Chinese Mathematical Society, made an online speech entitled Teaching and Evaluation of Mathematical Modeling.

The theme of the report shared by Professor Li Fang, Director of the Chinese Mathematical Society and Director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics of Zhejiang University, was A View on the Main Lines of Algebra Teaching from the Two Main Themes of Mathematics.

Professor Wang Shuanhong, Chairman of the Association for Mathematics Education in High Schools of Jiangsu Province, and Deputy Director of Qiu Chengtong Center of Southeast University, shared wonderful contents entitled Some Problems that the Mathematics Teachers in Universities Should Pay Attention to in Improving Their Teaching Ability through combining with his own practical experience.

Professor Zuo Kezheng, Executive Director of Hubei Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and former Dean of School of Mathematics and Statistics of Hubei Normal University, gave a detailed and in-depth explanation on the topic of Elementary Transformation and Application of Matrix Partitioning and Partitioned Matrix.

Associate Professor Wang Fen, an advanced individual of teacher's ethics in Zhejiang Province and a good teacher in the eyes of students of our university, and Associate Professor Zhou Hao, the leader of the high-quality online courses and first-class online courses of Zhejiang Province, made speeches respectively entitled The Construction of Online Teaching Resources and the Practice of Mixed Teaching Methods and Practice and Exploration of the Teaching Reform of Public Mathematics Curriculum under the Background of Educational Informatization, reported and asked for advice from the experts and scholars on the construction of teaching resources and the practice of teaching methods of our university.